Shaken, of course

Alright, so drink’s are on me ZoomInfo.  We’re working with the good folks at TECH Cocktail in co-sponsoring a happy hour event at Tequila Rain in Boston next month, and I’d like to meet you.

It’s free – that’s right, long as you RSVP in advance, you can swing by, get yer drink on, listen to some music, chat to a bunch of other techies from around Boston (not to mention some pretty cool VC’s & entrepreneurs – and, and of course, yours truly).  We had over 100 people sign up overnight, so I’d get on the list, like pronto.

We’re planning on having some form of entertainment as well – thinking foosball or a Wii tourney, but if you have any alternate ideas, my ears be open…

Details, details:

When: September 6th, 2007, 6:30 – 9
Where: Tequila Rain by Fenway (Boston)
What: Open bar, music, 300+ people, and a whole lot of fun
Price: FREE

RSVP here:

See you there!
